full of personality. You are an explorer, adventurer, and sweet little man. This last year has been full of great times and big steps. Going to bed on your own, no more pacifier, getting new teeth, and learning so much. You have definitely developed into your own person. We cannot wait to see what life brings at you and how you handle it.
"let me love you a little more before you're not little anymore"
Birthday Interview: Ben 2 Years
What is your favorite color? Enjoys saying green
What is your favorite animal? Has a good growl/roar, obsessed with Luke the pig at the Chesnut Farm
What is your favorite food? yogurt
What is your favorite book? Trucks, animals
Who is your best friend? Olivia
What is your favorite toy? Trucks, balls, whatever his sister is playing
What is something that makes you happy? Dancing, snuggles with your family, your sister, animals
What is something that makes you sad? Getting hurt or when your sister shuts the door to keep you out
What do you want to be when you grow up? .
What do you want for your birthday? No, then prompted again what toy do you want….tractor
Who do you love? Me, then asked again and he said olivia