We thought we would have big plans this upcoming weekend: Adel Fest, Pufferbilly Days, etc.....our plans changed big time. Ben came down with a fever Thursday. In the morning, I thought he was a little off-he hadn't slept as well as he was starting to and he seemed more whiny. Out of I don't even know what I checked his temp, only 99.9. He seemed to want to cuddle more than usual and not eat quite as well (still figuring this out, so wasn't too concerned), but he seemed hot so I checked his temp again-this time 101.4. I knew immediately we would be going to the hospital. Too many kiddos this summer I knew had fevers this summer under the same circumstance. I called his pediatrician to confirm that we should head to the ER. I also called Blake and my mom, I was rattled. We had my mom come down to take care of Liv since we didn't know how long or what the outcome for Ben would be and I knew I would need Blake to be with us.
As I took Ben to the nearest ER, they instructed us that they wanted us to head to Blank, where they had a bit more expertise with such little ones. It took them four times to get an IV into Ben to begin fluids, which ended up being in his scalp-talk about scary. Ben and I ended up having an ambulance ride downtown while Blake drove to meet us after getting Grandma a carseat for Liv. We got a full work up with a urine test, blood cultures, and spinal tap. They take it very serious when such a small babe gets sick, which is appreciated even if it all seems crazy and extensive. We were then admitted for a 48-72 stay depending on the results. His spinal came back positive for enterovirus, which makes littles ones very sick. It was no fun, but on the better side-no bacteria. We stayed 72 hours, the nurses and doctors were great and Ben started improving on day 2. We are so happy to be back home, have Ben on the mend, and have our whole famiy together. We are continuing to monitor Ben to ensure he doesn't get dehydrated as his feeding isn't what it was, but we are heading in the right direction-with a follow-up this week with our pediatrician.
Liv got to spend a whole weekend with the grandparents and cousins. She loves the Chesnuts so it was a good distraction that mom and dad weren't around. She watched then play soccer, have a playdate, go to a parade, and have one-on-one time with the grandparents. She asked a few times for us and to go home, but overall had a splendid time. She kepts saying, "mom and dad at the doctor." We missed her very much, but knew she was in good hands. We again are very lucky to have such a supportive family-it takes a village.
These little ones of ours are so precious and it was definitely a reality check to be grateful for them. We also had family and friends checking in on us for support.